Every single day we live we involve mathematics in more ways than we could have imagined, its significance cannot be makes a man methodological and systematic, For example when someone wakes up in the morning checks the time, he measures the amount of toothpaste to use in brushing and water to bath, calculates the time it would take to get to work, schedules what he has to do within the available 24 hours, plans and organizes his day, calculates interest on investments, makes budgets and so on. Within all these activities we can see that mathematics cannot be left out, the world would be chaotic without numbers or mathematics. Mathematics is not only an instrument that helps make life worth living, it is even a part of nature. It might surprise you that God himself uses mathematics a lot, in the creation of the universe we can see the handwriting of mathematics, starting with our DNA, to the amount of cells in our body to the architectural des...